Wisdom Courage

Dinners to Revolutionize the 21st Century Classroom

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Change Their Brain

Change Their Body

Change Their Spirit

Join us for the Dinner Experience that will change your life.

What you will Learn:

  • •How our emotions control writing skills
  • •How to help students overcome the fear of writing.
  • •Strategies to use in school the next day

Resolve the Megaphone Effect

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."


Dinner Table
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Improve Efficiency

Seventy-five percent of fourth graders are writing at a basic, rather than proficient, level. Both neuroscience and positive psychology emphasize the importance of the social-emotional connection to learning as a way of overcoming any difficulties.

Boost Engagement

It is crucial to instill lifelong learning by emphasizing autonomy and creativity. Utilize unconventional methods to increase student involvement and revolutionize your learning environment through an integrated, interdisciplinary strategy across all areas of study.

Transform Lives

Be the educator, occupational therapist, or parent that looks beyond the surface of the student. Create a foundation for them to excel in their studies, no matter what grade level they are at. Most importantly, become the one person they will always remember fondly from their childhood

Let your conversation be always filled with grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. ~Colossians 4:6

Upcoming Events

Create a better educational experience in your classroom

Interested in learning more about the Dinner Experience?

Schedule a call today so we can place you in the best event.

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Cheri Speaking Into Microphone

Image Credit: Jen Ulrich

My first experience with co-teaching happened in a PreK classroom.

Through an invitation from a teacher, all students in her class gained the skills to be fantastic writers.

This teacher became the photographer at my first book launch. Here is one of her photos. My favorite.